Highly energy-efficient heat-reflecting painting products for internal and external vertical building supports
The use of raw materials developed on a nano-molecular scale has allowed us to obtain innovative performance, much higher than that of traditional products, especially in the field of energy efficiency and long-term protection.
- Reduction of energy consumption for cooling in summer and heating in winter (economic savings ofup to 30%in areas with a Mediterranean climate)
- Strong reduction ofthermal bridges
- Betterliving comfort
- Reduction of the stressof the construction materials, and consequently,less degradationover time
- Improvement of air qualityinside buildings (I.A.Q.)
- Reduction of CO2 emissionsinto the atmosphere
- V.O.C.(Volatile Organic Compounds) free
High-penetration fixative, based on nano-emulsion for interiors and exteriors.
Ideal for masonry, gypsum, plasterboard and concrete walls, before painting with a levelling base and water-based paints. It is also suitable as a consolidating agent in the renovation, restoration and consolidation of old plasters.
- Very high consolidating and penetrating power, thanks to the use of special additives in the formulation.
- It improves paint anchoring and binding.
- It is able to saturate even microscopic plaster surface pores.
On internal and external supports – new or already painted – suitably prepared, clean, dry and brushed. If mould is present on inside walls, first apply a suitable coat of Lindofix, while on outside walls with algae formation, use Lindostop. After 24 hours, apply a coat of Nanofix.
Technical features
Application for interiors and exteriors
1, 5 and 20 Liters
1:1 with clear water
5 – 6 sqm/Lt per coat
Uniforming, breathable, fibre-reinforced siloxane levelling base (grain size up to 0.7 mm).
Thermo-Ground is a heat-reflecting, water-repellent, breathable levelling base that guarantees high protection against mould and algae. It uniforms substrate roughness and allows small defects in the plaster due to micro-cracking to be masked, as well as patches and parts of old peeled-off substrate paint.
- Even if used as a primer, its heat-reflecting features allow for better energy performance than a traditional levelling base.
On internal and external supports suitably prepared, clean, dry and brushed and after 5-6 hours, consolidate with Nanofix fixative. Finish with a suitable heat-reflective finish.
Technical features
Application for interiors and exteriors
15 Liters
15-20% with clear water
4 – 6 sqm/Lt per coat
Airgel-based smoothing paste with high thermal insulation properties.
Thermo-Coll is an innovative certified smoothing paste, with high thermal insulation properties, usable on internal or external vertical building substrates, such as new or already painted plasters and insulating materials such as EPS, all well-bound and suitably prepared. It is used in the treatment of building façades with thickness problems, in situations where it is not possible to create a traditional external cladding system (façades in old-town centres, near window reveals or under balconies) and it is ideal for restoring and maintaining of old external insulation systems. It can also be used in combination with low-thickness insulating mats. Grain sizes available: “standard” version 0.5 – 1 mm; fine grain version 0.3 – 0.7 mm.
Thanks to its features, applied in thicknesses from 3 to 8 mm as needed, it creates a thin insulating layer capable of correcting thermal bridges, mitigating thermal dispersion and thermal and mechanical stresses of the underlying materials, improving thermal transmittance (reduction of the U value) and the attenuation phase.
- Maximum insulating power at low thickness, enhancing sustainability.
- Thermally efficient homes all year round.
- Reduction of thermal and mechanical stress of building materials.
- Decrease in the formation of condensation and the consequent development of mould.
- Improvement of thermal transmittance (reduction of the U value).
- Improvement of the attenuation phase (using a heat-reflective finish).
- Improvement of living comfort in both summer and winter.
On internal and external vertical substrates suitably prepared, clean, dry and brushed and after 5-6 hour, consolidate with Nanofix fixative. Caution: DO NOT mix with mechanical stirrers; DO NOT add water; DO NOT add cement. It is possible to interpose one or more layers of 75/m2 glass fibre meshing in relation to the mm of smoothing paste applied (over 6 mm, it is necessary to apply a double layer of meshing) to enhance mechanical performance.
To obtain maximum performance from using the smoothing compound, it is recommended to finish the painting cycle with heat-reflecting nanotechnological products, for interiors or exteriors, in the ThermoFlex Restore and Thermo Restore cycles.
Technical features
Application for interiors and exteriors
16 Kg
Ready to use
Notched putty knife – metallic trowel – sponge trowel
1 Kg = 1 sqm per 1mm thickness
See data sheet
THERMO-GUM filling
Nanostructured, heat-reflective and filler water-based paint with excellent elasticity properties. Water-repellent and antialgae. Ideal against haircracking.
Thermo-Gum is the Nanotech inside® smooth, elastomeric finish. It is ideal for application on new or already painted façades with micro-cracking, due to vibrations of the structure or expansion due to different material thermal coefficients and plaster shrinkage. It is marked by high resistance to atmospheric agents. The thermo-reflective nature of the product also means internal comfort can be significantly enhanced and energy saved, drastically cutting the costs associated with the use of air conditioning systems in summer.
- Product with high certified solar reflectance values, emissivity and SRI.
- Reduction of the building external and internal surface temperature.
- Enhancement of indoor living comfort.
- Eco-sustainable materials: Reduction of energy consumption generating energy and cost savings.
- Reduction of thermal and mechanical surface stress and, as a result, less risk of substrate micro-cracking.
Three coats on internal and external vertical substrates suitably prepared, clean, dry and brushed and after 5-6 hour, consolidate with Nanofix fixative. It is the ideal finish for substrates with micro-cracking and in the thermo efficient, low-thickness ThermoFlex Restore cycle, on top of Thermo-Coll.
Technical features
Application for exteriors
White and Unisystem tinting colours
5 and 15 Liters
5-10% with clear water
Brush – roller – spray
8-9 sqm/Lt per coat
NANO-THERM filling
Filling, water-based paint, based on modified siloxane resin with heat-reflecting action, breathable, water-repellent, anti-algae and with low VOC content.
Nano-Therm is the smooth siloxane Nanotech inside® finish. The very nature of the product means the breathable and water-repellent properties can be exploited, guaranteeing excellent results in civil and residential building projects, out-performing traditional siloxane products. The heat-reflecting properties and the use of advanced technologies in the formulation, on the other hand, allow the surface temperature to be kept lower than with a traditional paint; in this way, façades will not overheat and living comfort inside buildings will be enhanced significantly. The result is a reduction in energy consumption, as well as in CO2 atmospheric emissions.
Good surface bonding and high resistance to UV rays.
- Product with high certified solar reflectance values, emissivity and SRI.
- Higher water-repellent performance, permeability to water vapor and durability over time compared to traditional siloxane products.
- Eco-sustainable materials: For aesthetic and energy building envelope remodelling.
Three coats on internal and external vertical substrates suitably prepared, clean, dry and brushed and after 5-6 hour, consolidate with Nanofix fixative. It is the ideal finish for substrates with micro-cracking and in the thermo efficient, low-thickness ThermoFlex Restore cycle, on top of Thermo-Coll.
Technical features
Application for exteriors
White and Unisystem tinting colours
5 and 15 Liters
5-10% with clear water
Brush – roller
8-9 sqm/Lt per coat
Siloxane, heat-reflecting, water-repellent plaster for protecting substrates against mould and algae.
It is ideal for the protection and external finishing of residential homes and apartment and commercial buildings where, in addition to the desired aesthetic aspect, durable protection is required. It is the optimal finish for the external thermal insulation system: It offers high strength and greater resistance to knocks compared to traditional plasters, as well as resistance to atmospheric agents. It also offers the option of creating strong colours, while maintaining a high degree of solar reflection and high emissivity. These features mean the substrate is subject to less expansion and thermal and mechanical stress, thereby reducing the risk the coating cracking.
Furthermore, the thermal reflective properties of Thermo-Coat mean the performance of the insulation package is improved and, as a result, building energy is optimised, thus helping to reduce atmospheric CO2 emissions.
Grain size: 1.2 mm. Final appearance: opaque, typical of a “compact” brushed-effect plastic.
- Product with high certified solar reflectance values, emissivity and SRI.
- Higher water-repellent performance, permeability to water vapour and durability over time compared to traditional siloxane products.
- Eco-sustainable materials: For aesthetic and energy building envelope remodelling.
On internal and external vertical substrates suitably prepared, clean, dry and brushed and after 5-6 hour, consolidate with Nanofix fixative. To obtain a uniform effect and better workability, apply a coat of Nano-Therm as a base. It is the optimal finish for external thermal insulation systems and is ideal in the low thickness ThermoFlex Restore thermal efficient cycle, on top of Thermo-Coll.
Technical features
Application for exteriors
White and Unisystem tinting colours
25 Kg
Max. 1% with clear water
Notched putty knife and then smoothing with plastic trowel
2 Kg/sqm
Nanotechnological varnish for the protection of exposed bricks with a “toning” and heat-reflecting action and with excellent water-repellent properties.
Thermo-Brick is used in civil and industrial building projects as a nanotechnological varnish for the protection of exposed bricks providing a “toning” and heat-reflecting action. It is also ideal for façade cladding with clinker tiles. Thanks to the innovative nanotechnological formulation, substrates will be self-protected from the onset of microbiological proliferation. Excellent water-repellent properties. Its special properties also mean the product blocks UV rays, while at the same time partially reflecting the IR radiation, responsible in summer for substrate overheating. In winter, treated walls will transmit less cold inside buildings, thanks to the remarkable hydrophobic properties that will always keep walls dry. Shake and homogenise the product well before and during use.
- Reduction of external surface temperature and, as a result, less heat entry inside buildings in summer. In winter, façades remain dry and more heat efficient.
- Enhancement of indoor living comfort.
- Surface protection: Thermo-Brick helps protect treated surfaces by shielding from UV rays.
- Enhancive visual action: It revives and does not alter the aesthetic appearance of the surfaces to which it is applied.
- Long lasting and high-quality finish: Less maintenance over time and product use means greater cost savings.
Apply on a clean, dry, mould and algae-free and suitably consolidated substrate. After 24 hours, apply two coats of Thermo-Brick, 5-6 hours apart.
Technical features
Application for exteriors
5 and 15 Liters
Brush – spray
10-11 sqm/Lt per coat
High-performance, water-based paint for interiors: breathable and nanotechnological with high resistance to fungi and bacteria proliferation. It reduces wall energy loss.
Thermo-Paint is used in building projects as a high-performance, water-based paint for interiors. It is a product formulated thanks to the use of advanced technologies and special nano-charges that reduce energy dispersion through walls, contributing to the building energy optimisation. The paint helps mitigate problems deriving from thermal bridges, such as the formation of condensation and mould. Silver nanoparticles in the formulation provide the paint with its antibacterial properties.
Thanks to the nanotechnology-based formula, Thermo-Paint applied indoors, means the cool temperatures generated by the cooling system are uniform and stay longer in rooms, in the summer phase, while in winter, heat generated by the heating system remains for longer inside the building.
The low quantity of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and the absence of formaldehyde contribute to the sensation of wellbeing and comfort inside rooms. THERMO-PAINT enhances indoor air quality (IAQ).
THERMO-PAINT is certified in class A+ for indoor air emissions, according to the EN ISO 16000-9 standard, as an anti-mould paint for interiors, according to the UNI EN 15457-2014 standard and in washability Class 1, according to the UNI EN ISO standard 11998:2006.
It is available in white and pastel shades.
- Nanotechnology: Increases building energy efficiency and reduces heat loss.
- Focus on health and air quality of indoor environments.
- Enhancement of indoor living comfort.
- Sanitising and anti-mould action: Silver ions guarantee a long-lasting, sanitising action.
- Anti-condensation action.
- Covering capacity: High coverage and high whiteness.
- Very high levelling and smoothing power.
- Breathable product: Excellent permeability to water vapour.
- Reduction of problems originating from cold walls and thermal bridges.
Three coats on internal and external vertical substrates suitably prepared, clean, dry and brushed and after 5-6 hour, consolidate with Nanofix fixative. Performance is maximised from use as a finish in the Thermo Restore cycle for interiors on top of Thermo-Coll: It allows summer and winter energy use to be reduced, as well as problems caused by thermal bridges and, as a result, prevents the formation of spores, moulds and fungi.
Technical features
Application for interiors
White and Unisystem tinting colours (pastel shades)
5 and 15 Liters
5-10% with clear water
Brush – roller – spray
8-9 sqm/Lt per coat
In one hour, we take more than 900 breaths.
So, it’s better to think about the air we breathe indoors.
We spend almost 90% of our life in indoor environments where there are major pollutants – 5 to 10 times higher than in outdoor air.
VOCs – volatile organic compounds – are chemical compounds formed by molecules of various kinds marked by volatility, meaning the ability to evaporate easily in air at room temperature causing a worsening of the air quality inside buildings. A particularly harmful TVOC is formaldehyde.
A + certification concerns different types of products that release VOCs: floors, walls, ceilings, carpets, paints, plasters, furniture, doors, windows and cleaning products, etc.
For the final choice of the application cycle of the products, always refer to the relative technical data sheets and to our staff to verify, case-by-case, their actual suitability. The Nanotech insideR products – all certified and compliant with EU regulations – are complete system of application and therefore provide the applicator with substantial guarantees on the success of the intervention. In order to obtain the best result, it is necessary to carefully follow all the indications given in our technical data sheets in force at the time of the beginning of the work, thus exempting us from any responsibility, both in case of incorrect application, and in the presence of hidden and pre-existing problems in the structure subject to the intervention.